Annual Award Banquet Honoring
2018 Horticulturist of the Year
John Schoustra

Saturday, September 22, 2018
at the Los Angeles County Arboretum
and Botanic Garden
Festivities will be held at the Peacock Cafe.
Social hour and Silent Auction begin at 6pm.
Silent Auction closes at 7pm, when dinner is served.
Presentations begin at 8:15pm.
The Southern California Horticultural Society is pleased to honor John Schoustra with the 2018 Horticulturist of the Year award. You've probably seen "Tall John" selling his plants at our monthly meetings. But you may not be aware of the scope of his lifelong commitment to horticulture, from design to education to plant breeding. Please join us to celebrate the achievements of an extraordinary plantsman!
Tickets are $45. For more information, download the flyer here:
SCHS 2018 HOTY flyer FINAL.pdf
Online registration closes on Thursday, Sept 20. People who prefer to register by mail with a check should download the flyer above and mail their registration no later than Monday, Sept 17.
Please email socalhort@gmail.com
or call Steven Gerischer at 323-257-3629
with any questions about this event.